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Aelita Ambrulevičiūtė

Prabilę namai. Mėsinių gatvės pasažai XIX–XX a. (iki 1940 m.)

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ISBN: 9786098120929
Author : Aelita Ambrulevičiūtė
Published: 2023
Publisher: Aukso žuvys
Number of pages: 303
Language: Lithuanian-English
Format: Paperback

Knyga „Prabilę namai. Mėsinių gatvės pasažai XIX–XX a. (iki 1940 m.)“ skiriama Vilniaus mylėtojams, žydų istorijos tyrinėtojams, esamiems ir buvusiems gatvės gyventojams, jų palikuoniams, miesto gidams ir svečiams.

Houses That Talk. Passages of Mėsinių Street in the 19-20th Century (up to 1940)

Mėsinių Street, with its rows of meat stalls, dates back to the 16th century. Until World War II, the street had two sections. The first section was adjacent to Utėlėtasis Market. Today it forms a widening in the middle of Stiklių Street, becoming a meeting point of three streets: Gaono, M. Antokolskio and Žydų. From the Utėlėtasis Market, Mėsinių Street wended towards Vokiečių Street. Crossing it, it dived deeper into the next block and stretched all the way to Ligoninės Street. Perhaps the first section of the street took its name from the always noisy and crowded meat market. Nowadays, it bears the name of Mark Antokolsky, the sculptor who lived there. In iconography, it is identified by the two arches built between the buildings. The second section of the street has not had a permanent name for a long time, until the current one was established.

This cultural guide takes you back to the 19th- and 20th-century Mėsinių Street, its houses, buildings, their owners and residents, recreating the main events and stories of the time. Rich visual material, such as photographs and drawings of the street, plans and blueprints of buildings, letters and documents, help to immerse the reader in the story.

The authors dedicate this book „Houses That Talk. Passages of Mėsinių Street in the 19-20th Century (up to 1940)“ to those who love Vilnius, researchers of Jewish history, current and former residents of Mėsinių Street, their descendants, city guides and visitors.

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