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Jens Waschke

Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy 17th edition English/Latin (Package)

Voted 1
ISBN: 9780702067648
Author : Jens Waschke
Published: 2023
Publisher: Urban & Fischer
Language: English
Format: Hardback
<p>General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System; Internal Organs; Head, Neck and Neuroanatomy; Muscles Tables; Poster Collection</p> <p>MORE THAN AN ATLAS</p><b> <p>Studying anatomy is fun!</b> Recognising the structures on the dissection, understanding their relationships and gaining an overview of how they work together assures confident study and transition into clinical practice.</p> <p>The Sobotta Atlas shows <b>authentic illustrations of the highest quality</b>, drawn from genuine specimens, guaranteeing the best preparation for the gross anatomy class and attestation.</p> <p>Sobotta focuses on the <b>basics</b>, making it totally <b>comprehensive</b>. Every tiny structure has been addressed according to current scientific knowledge and can be found in this atlas. <b>Themes relevant to exams</b> and sample questions from oral anatomy exams help to focus the study process.</p> <p>The Sobotta Atlas is the optimal <b>learning atlas</b> for studying, from the <b>first semester</b> till the <b>clinical semester. Case studies </b>present examples and teach clinical understanding. Clinical themes and digressions into functional anatomy are motivating and impart valuable information for prospective medical practice.</p> <p>With <b>over 100 years of experience in 17 editions</b> and thousands of unique anatomical illustrations, Sobotta achieves ongoing success.</p> <p>The volume <b><i>General Anatomy and Muscoloskeletal System</b></i> contains the chapters:</p><b> <p>General Anatomy</b> Anatomical planes and positions - Surface anatomy - Development - Musculoskeletal system - Neurovascular pathways - Imaging methods - Skin and its derivatives</p><b> <p>Trunk </b>Surface - Development - Skeleton - Imaging methods - Musculature - Neurovascular pathways - Topography, dorsal trunk wall - Female breast - Topography, ventral trunk wall</p><b> <p>Upper Limb </b>Surface - Development - Skeleton - Musculature - Neurovascular pathways - Topography - Cross-sectional images</p><b> <p>Lower Limb</b> Surface - Skeleton - Musculature - Neurovascular pathways - Topography - Cross-sectional images</p> <p>The volume <b><i>Inner Organs</b></i> contains the chapters:</p><b> <p>Organs of the thoracic cavity </b>Topography - Heart - Lung - Oesophagus - Cross-sectional images</p><b> <p>Organs of the abdominal cavity </b>Development - Topography - Stomach - Intestines - Liver and gallbladder Pancreas - Neurovascular pathways - Cross-sectional images</p><b> <p>Retroperitoneal space and pelvic cavity</b> Topography - Kidney and adrenal gland - Efferent urinary tracts - Rectum and anal canal - Male genitalia - Female genitalia - Cross-sectional images</p> <p>The volume <b><i>Head, Neck and Neuroanatomy</b></i> contains the chapters:</p><b> <p>Head</b> Overview - Skeleton and joints - Adipose tissue and scalp - Musculture ?? Topography - Neurovascular pathways - Nose - Mouth and oral cavity - Salivary glands</p><b> <p>Eye </b>Development - Skeleton - Eyelids - Lacrimal gland and lacrimal apparatus - Muscles of the eye - Topography - Eyeball - Visual pathway</p><b> <p>Ear </b>Overview - Outer ear - Middle ear - Auditory tube - Inner ear - Hearing and equilibrium</p><b> <p>Neck</b> Overview - Musculature - Pharynx - Larynx - Thyroid gland - Topography</p><b> <p>Brain and spinal cord</b> Development - General principles - Brain ?? Meninges and blood supply - Cerebral areas - Cranial nerves - Spinal cord - Sections</p><b> <p>Sobotta – learning tables for muscles, joints and nerves</p></b> <p>The most important facts about muscles, joints and nerves are summarised in 62 tables, helping you to revise methodically and efficiently!</p> <ul> <p> <li>The <b>origin, insertion, innervation and function</b> of all muscles in the human body are presented in tabular form. The relevant muscle is shown in situ each time.</li> <p> <li>The tables for <b>branches and innervation areas of the Plexus cervicalis, brachialis and lumbosacralis</b> give a good overview for a clinical diagnosis.</li> <p> <li>The most important <b>joints of the upper and lower limbs</b> are shown in tables and additionally in schematic illustrations.</li> <p> <li>The tables for <b>neuroanatomy</b> give the cranial nerves, cortical areas and nuclei of the thalamus. Tables for the cranial nerves identify and compare the pathways, supply areas and fibre qualities.</li> </ul><b> <p>Compatible to the 17th edition of the Sobotta Atlas!</p></b>

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