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- The Human Body in Health & Disease - Hardcover
Peggie L. Williamson
The Human Body in Health & Disease - Hardcover
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ISBN: 9780323734141
Author : Peggie L. Williamson
Published: 2023
Publisher: Elsevier
Language: English
Format: Hardback
Format: 11.06×8.75
Author : Peggie L. Williamson
Published: 2023
Publisher: Elsevier
Language: English
Format: Hardback
Format: 11.06×8.75
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<p>Completely revised and updated,<b> The Human Body in Health & Disease, 8<SUP>th</SUP> Edition</b> makes it easier to understand how the body works, both in typical conditions and when things change. Its easy-to-read writing style, more than 500 full-color illustrations, and unique <i>Clear View of the Human Body</i> transparencies keep you focused on the principles of anatomy, physiology, and pathology. Key features are <i>Connect It!</i> with bonus online content, concept maps with flow charts to simplify complex topics, and chapter objectives and active learning sections. From noted educator Kevin Patton, this book presents A&P in a way that lets you know and understand what is important.</p><ul><b> <li>More than 500</b> <b>full-color photographs and drawings</b> illustrate the most current scientific knowledge and bring difficult concepts to life. The beautifully rendered illustrations are unified by a consistent color key and represent a diversity of human identity. </li> <li><b>A conversational writing style</b> is paired with "chunked" content, making it easy to read and comprehend. </li> <li><b>UNIQUE! Creative page design</b> uses color backgrounds to organize information in a more inviting, accessible, and motivating way to enhance learning.</li> <li><b>UNIQUE! The full-color, semi-transparent <i>Clear View of the Human Body</b></i> permits the on-demand virtual dissection of typical male and female human bodies along several body planes. This 22-page insert contains a series of transparencies that allows you to peel back the layers of the body anterior-to-posterior and posterior-to-anterior. </li> <li><b><i>Language of Science/Language of Medicine</b></i> <b>word lists</b> at the beginning of chapters present key terms, pronunciations, and word-part translations to help you become familiar with new and complex terminology.</li> <li><b><i>Animation Direct</b></i> <b>feature</b> throughout the text guides you to state-of-the-art animations on the companion Evolve website to provide dynamic visual explanations of key concepts.</li> <li><b><i>Active Concept Maps</i> </b>offer animated, narrated walk-throughs of concept maps to clarify the text narrative and provide you with clear examples of how to build your own concept maps.</li></ul><ol> <ol> <ol> <li>More than 500 <b>full-color photographs and drawings</b> illustrate the most current scientific knowledge and bring difficult concepts to life. The beautifully rendered illustrations have been unified by a consistent color key that is used throughout the book. The art program is one of the hallmark features of the Patton textbooks.</li><b><i> <p> <li>A conversational writing style</b></i> is paired with "chunked" content for easy-to-read and comprehend content. The writing style is one of the hallmark features of the Patton textbooks.</li> <b> <p> <li>UNIQUE! Creative paging design</b> allows the textbook to break free from the grid format used in traditional textbooks. Making the presentation more inviting makes the information more accessible.</li> <b> <p> <li>UNIQUE! The Clear View of the Human Body</b> is a full-color, semi-transparent model of the body which permits the virtual dissection of male and female human bodies along several planes of the body. This 22-page insert contains a series of transparencies that allows students to peel back the layers of the body. </li> <b><i> <p> <li>Language of Science/Language of Medicine</b></i> lists that start early in the chapter and are continued at the end of the chapter present terms, pronunciations, and word parts lists to help students become familiar with new terms and the meanings of individual word parts, all of which is crucial for learning and retaining new concepts. </li> <b> <p> <li>AnimationDirect</b> feature is interspersed throughout the text, guiding students to state-of-the-art animations on the Evolve website which provide dynamic visual explanations for difficult concepts.</li> </ol></ol></ol> <ul> <p> <li>Health and Well-Being boxes </li> <p> <li>Clinical Applications boxes </li> <p> <li>Research, Issues, and Trends boxes </li> <p> <li>Science Applications boxes </li> <p> <li>Case Studies </li> <p> <li>Quick Check Questions</li> <p> <li>Review Questions </li> <p> <li>Critical thinking questions </li> <p> <li>Chapter Tests </li> <p> <li>Outline summaries </li> <p> <li>Study Tips</li> <p> <li>Chapter outlines </li> <p> <li>Chapter objectives</li> </ul>
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