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Brown and Mulholland’s Drug Calculations
Author : Margaret Daingerfield
Published: 2021
Publisher: Mosby
Language: English
Format: Paperback / softback
<p>Trust this market-leading ratio and proportion text that’s known for its realistic practice problems and unique <i>"</i>proof<i>" </i>step in the answer key that allows you to double-check your answers to avoid medication errors. This edition continues to promote critical thinking, clinical judgment, and patient safety with respect to accurate drug dosages. Helpful worksheets, assessment tests, and <i>Clinical Alerts </i>call attention to situations in actual practice that have resulted in drug errors — giving you extensive hands-on practice for the Next Generation NCLEX<SUP>®</SUP> and beyond.</p><ul><b> <li> More than 1,100 ratio and proportion problems </b>offer the extensive practice you need to become proficient in this method of drug calculation.</li> <li><b> Step-by-step format for each problem</b> includes a unique "proof"<i> </i>step in the answer key to ensure you understand the solution.</li> <li><b> End-of-chapter practice tools</b> include general worksheets, multiple-choice worksheets, critical thinking exercises, chapter finals, and a chapter answer key.</li> <li><b><i> Safe Medication Administration</b></i> <b>chapter</b> helps you prevent medication errors and understand drug labels, medication administration forms, and provider order forms.</li> <li><b><i> Clinical Alerts</b></i> highlight potential and common drug calculation errors.</li> <li><b> Full-color drug labels and equipment illustrations</b> provide a realistic representation of medication administration.</li></ul><ul><b> <li> NEW! Next Generation NCLEX<SUP>®</SUP> (NGN)-style questions</b> in select chapters include answer keys with rationales for correct answers.</li> <li><b> NEW! Coverage incorporates the 2020 Hospital National Patient Safety Goals</b> of identifying patients correctly, using medications safely, and preventing infection.</li> <li><b> UPDATED! The latest drug information</b> throughout reflects current practice.</li> <li><b> UPDATED! Vocabulary definitions</b> feature the most current terms and advances in drug administration.</li></ul>