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Cicero, Marcus Tullius

Republic and the Laws

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ISBN: 9780199540112
Author : Cicero, Marcus Tullius
Published: 2008
Publisher: Oxford University Press
Number of pages: 288
Language: English
Format: Paperback
`However one defines Man, the same definition applies to us all. This is sufficient proof that there is no essential difference within mankind.’ (Laws l.29-30)
Cicero’s The Republic is an impassioned plea for responsible governement written just before the civil war that ended the Roman Republic in a dialogue following Plato. Drawing on Greek political theory, the work embodies the mature reflections of a Roman ex-consul on the nature of political organization, on justice in society, and on the qualities needed in a statesman. Its sequel, The Laws, expounds the influential doctrine of Natural Law, which applies to all mankind, and sets out an ideal code for a reformed Roman Republic, already half in the realm of utopia.
This is the first complete English translation of both works for over sixty years and features a lucid Introduction, a Table of Dates, notes on the Roman constitution, and an Index of Names.

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