Verdichtete Botschaften: Wie Gelehrte um Karl den Großen in Gedichten kommunizierten - Humanitas
Rebecca Schmalholz

Verdichtete Botschaften: Wie Gelehrte um Karl den Großen in Gedichten kommunizierten

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ISBN: 9783412524784
Author : Rebecca Schmalholz
Published: 2022
Publisher: Bohlau Verlag GmbH & Cie
Number of pages: 408
Language: German
Format: Hardback
Format: 235×160
Text in German. The poems that arose around Charlemagne are unique testimonies to the communication of scholars such as Alcuin, Theodulf and Paulus Diaconus. In riddle poems, courtyard panoramas, Carmina Figurata and other poems, they argue and puzzle, call each other pet names, make fun of each other, resort to antiquity in competition, become ironic and even bitterly angry - and all this under the gaze of the king. The poems develop a momentum of their own that has not yet been examined in this way. The monograph would like to reopen this source genre with historical and philological methods: through a new translation with a careful commentary and through a holistic explanatory model of the poetic plays about Charlemagne.

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