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Daniel J Mooney

The 14th Storm

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ISBN: 9781915643667
Author : Daniel J Mooney
Published: 2023
Publisher: Legend Press Ltd
Number of pages: 288
Language: English
Format: Paperback
In 2043, the climate has finally changed.

The planet is ravaged by violent storms and failing crops and much of the world is now uninhabitable. Amidst a world of hungry and desperate people, the Department of Environmental Justice have been tasked with finding and executing those who have denied climate change.

On the eve of the 14th storm, Broderick and Malley are asked to hunt the leader of a stirring rebellion, but something feels wrong. Broderick is shut off and interested only in exacting revenge. Malley is skeptical, and thinks their latest target is more politically-motivated than their employer is letting on. Their journey is upended by Fionnuala, a young and idealistic runaway who is hopeful for the future and desperate to save the target. Together, the three of them must learn to adapt to the climate and the polarized groups if they are to survive.

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