Literature and the Japanese War of Aggression against China: Investigations and Criticisms
Author : Xiangyuan Wang
Published: 2022
Number of pages: 380
Format: Hardback
This book was first published in Chinese by the “Quality Engineering” Project of Beijing Philosophy and Social Sciences “Nine Five” Planning. Upon publication, it was well-received by the public and led to various television and newspaper interviews for the author. It was republished by Kunlun Press in 2005, and again met with a great reception. The preface of this book was published in People’s Daily and several chapters were reprinted in six issues of Journal of Literature and Art. The book won first prize of the Sixth Excellent Achievements of Beijing Philosophy and Social Sciences, and the Book Award of the Sixth Chinese People’s Liberation Army. It was also selected to be part of the first national “Three One Hundred” original publication project.