-5 %
Yvon-Pierre Ndongo Ibara

The Grammar of Embosí Verb Phrases

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ISBN: 9781527583061
Author : Yvon-Pierre Ndongo Ibara
Published: 2022
Number of pages: 205
Format: Hardback
This book describes the morphology and the syntax of the verb phrase (VP) in Embsí, and it highlights the different components of a verb, as well as its relevance for the syntactic description. Embsí has five types of initial prefixes and two types of post initials. Prefixes of the same category are exclusive, whilst two prefixes of different categories can be adjacent. In addition, this book provides a syntagmatic analysis of Embsí VP in keeping with the argument structure. It tackles the dichotomy between unaccusatives, unergatives, ergatives and transitive verbs, and examines syntactic processes and thematic roles.

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